Along with Joseph Ferretti and Stephanie Chua, Elaine will present works for toy piano and lead attendees in interactive improvisation activities on toy pianos. This event is part of the spOtlight Festival and will take place on Saturday June 6th from 3:00-4 pm and again from 5:00-6 pm at the Button Factory, located at 25 Regina Street South in Waterloo, Ontario.
The three keyboard players will begin the hour with performances of toy piano works including recent compositions by Wilfrid Laurier University alumni Chris Thornborrow, Dan Brophy and Chad Martin (Waterloo native). They will follow this by inviting audience members to choose from a variety of toy instruments and partake in clinician-led improvisation games. Many brand new instruments from various donors, in partnership with the toy piano manufacturer Schoenhut, will allow attendees to engage in musical explorations. No musical training is necessary, and all ages are encouraged to participate.
spOtlight is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Culture and produced by the Ontario Arts Council.
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